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     I believe that nothing is impossible if you just simply believe in yourself.  Remember, the word impossible actually says I’M POSSIBLE. 


     I've worked with kids from many different backgrounds and nationalities.  Because I am so passionate about writing, I know of the many  scholarships out there waiting for YOU to apply!  BUT, I won’t joke with you.  It will require a lot of work.  Dedication and focus for success.  Look at it this way.  Give the whole process your all.  Push yourself to exceed your normal limitations.  All they can do is say no; but for every no that comes your way, a YES is headed your way as well.  If you work diligently, you will win National, State and local Scholarships!


     IT’S ALL UP TO YOU.  IF YOU PROCRASTINATE OR GET DISCOURAGED BECAUSE THE APPLICATIONS ARE TOO LONG AND THEY WANT TOO MANY ESSAYS, I STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME OR MINE.  I cannot force you to do anything.  I can help you if you really want the help.  Follow my lead!  Stay on point!  Meet and beat the deadlines.  I will have given you everything needed to be successful.  You are destined for greatness.  The choice is yours.


     Now are you ready to put forth the effort just to see what happens?  If so, “Let’s Get er done!”  I’m so excited to see what God will do for each of you.  Like Nike says, “Just Do It”.   Although I've helped students with the scholarship process for at least 15 years, I finally began to develop a flow chart with each student’s name, the name of the scholarship and the amount of each award since 2005.  


Following are the yearly totals of the national, collegiate, military and local monies my students have won and received over the last 10 years:


2005    $800,000+                   2011    $9,420,000+

2006    $1,160,000+                2012    $11,780,000+

2007    $3,785,000+                2013    $13,698,000+

2008    $3,900,000+                2014    $11,166,000+

2009    $6,488,580+                2015    $15,788,500+

2010    $3,241,100+                       


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